22 Nov 2017

Story of Ibn Abbas

The stage of glorious age of Islam always filled by young men and women. They came up with high level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the source can be trace back to the life guidance of our prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa salam. One of the young man, lived in our prophet’s era, have extremely vast knowledge and one of the man who understand the Qur’an the deepest, was Ibn Abbas or Abdullah Ibn Abbas radhiallahu ‘anhuma for completely.
Who is this young man? His blood shared with our prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa salam, his grandfather is also our prophet’s grandfather. His father is our prophet’s uncle. He came from the noble tribe, Bani Hasyim. He was born 3 years before the moment of Hijrah. He moved to Madinah 7 years after Hijrah. Thus, he only received the knowledge directly from our Prophet just about 3-4 years, and yet his understanding about Qur’an was outstanding amongst the Sahabah.

Ibn Abbas was only 16 years old when the khalifah Umar ibn Khattab came in power. Knowing the vast knowledge of young Ibn Abbas, Umar appointed him to be one of the advisory council of the khalifah. That time, Ibn Abbas was the only man, so young that the other members of council were about the same age as his father. Ibn Abbas was so brilliant that when the caliphs (Umar, Utsman, even Ali radhiallahu ‘anhum) faced a big grief of problem, he went to ask the advice of young Ibn Abbas. Khawarij is one of the problem.

Khawarij is a group of muslim people that could shed blood so easily, even with his muslim brother. They also easily accused other muslims as kafir (infidel), even though they have same belief. They were stubborn, high tempered, and very exclusive group. About 6 thousands Khawarij that time gathered in a single mosque, and Ibn Abbas was asked to discuss peace with them. That time in that place, Ibn Abbas won the arguments with the khawarij and succeeded converting 2 thousands people back in the right path.

He was confronting Zaid (master of inheritance) about some law of inheritance in Islam. Ibn Abbas swore that anybody who were against him should take vow in the name of Allah in front of Ka’bah if they are truly right compared to Ibn Abbas. This showed us how much faith and how gifted Ibn Abbas in his deep knowledge. But on the other hand, other day after the confrontation, Ibn Abbas treated Zaid so humbly that Ibn Abbas looked like Zaid’s servant. These act balanced and perfected the character of Ibn Abbas as a true genius yet very gentle young man.

What is his secret? His father. His father always looked for him, guided him since Ibn Abbas was a little boy, even until he grew up as a mature man. His father, Abbas ibn Abdul Muthalib, along with the great atmosphere of knowledge around prophet and sahabah makes what Ibn Abbas was. How a wonderful young boy become more brilliant with a great environment. How he received such a strong faith in such a young age. How he was forged with a strong believes that nothing is impossible as long as Allah is with him.

So why can’t we be like Ibn Abbas?
Or at least be the surroundings that make people like Ibn Abbas?

Peace out,
M Ashobta Azry
JMMI Foundation 17/18

Ibn Abbas full name traced to Adam (‘alaihissalaam):
Abdullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muththalib (Shaibah) ibn Hasyim (Amr) ibn Abdu Manaf (al-Mughirah) ibn Qushay (Zaid) ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka’ab ibn Luay ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik ibn an-Nadhar (Qais) ibn Kinanah ibn Khuzaimah ibn Mudrikah (Amir) ibn Ilyas ibn Mudhar ibn Nizar ibn Ma’ad ibn Adnan[1] ibn Add ibn Humaisi’ ibn Salaman ibn Awsh ibn Buz ibn Qimwal ibn Ubay ibn Awwam ibn Nasyid ibn Haza ibn Baldas ibn Yadhaf ibn Thabikh ibn Jahim ibn Nahisy ibn Makhiy ibn Idh ibn Abqar ibn Ubaid ibn ad-Di’a ibn Hamdan ibn Sunbur ibn Yastribi ibn Yahzan ibn Yalhan ibn Ar’awi ibn Idh ibn Disyan ibn Aishar ibn Afnad ibn Ayham ibn Muqashshir ibn ahits ibn Zarih ibn Sumay ibn Mizzi ibn Udhah ibn Uram ibn Qaidar ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim(‘alaihissalaam)[2] ibn Tarih (Azar) ibn Nahur ibn Saru (or Sarugh) ibn Ra’u ibn Falikh ibn Abir ibn Syalikh ibn Arfakhsyad ibn Sam ibn Nuh (‘alaihissalaam) ibn Lamik ibn Mutawasylikh ibn Akhnukh (some says Prophet Idris ‘alaihissalaam) ibn Yarid ibn Mihla’il ibn Qaynan ibn Anusyah ibn Syits ibn Adam[3].

How Ibn Abbas looked?
He was a steady young man. He has a broad chest, full of charisma, good looking, clever, white skinned, and has height above the average. If he walked pass the houses, one can recognize him only by his aromatic scent.

His timeline:
3 years before Hijrah      Born
7 years after Hijrah        Aged 10 years, moved to Madinah
10 years after Hijrah      Aged 13 years, Prophet PBUH died, Abubakar came in power
13 years after Hijrah      Aged 16 years, Abubakar died, Umar became khalifah, Ibn Abbas become member of advisory council
23 years after Hijrah      Aged 26 years, Umar died, Utsman became khalifah
35 years after Hijrah      Aged 38 years, Utsman died, Ali became Khalifah, issues about Khawarij started to appear, he become the governor of Bashra, very supportive towards Ali
40 years after Hijrah      Aged 43 years, Ali died, Hasan became Khalifah for a short time, then Mu’awiyah became the first king of Umayyah
61 years after Hijrah      Aged 64 years, Mu’awiyah died, Yazid became the Khalifah, chaos started to appear but Ibn Abbas was believed in favor of unity of the muslims and hence did not revolt against ruled. He was against Husain ibn Ali about expedition to Kufa that ended at Karbala.
64 years after Hijrah      Aged 67 years, Yazid died, Mu’awiyah ibn Yazid became khalifah
68 years after Hijrah      Aged 71 years, died and buried in Tha’if, ibn Hanafi was one of the people who took care of his shalah janazah

The legacy he left:
By a Yemenite princess named Zahra bint Mishrah, Ibn Abbas had seven children.
Al-Abbas, the first born, who was childless.
Ali ibn Abdullah (died 736), who was the grandfather of the first two Abbasid caliphs, who replaced the Umayyads in 750.
Muhammad, who was childless.
Ubaydullah, who was childless.
Al-Fadl, who was childless.
Saad had two children
Lubaba, who married Ali ibn Abdullah ibn Jaafar and had descendants.

He had another daughter, Asma, by a concubine; she married her cousin Abdullah ibn Ubaydullah ibn Abbas and had two sons.

Article cited from:
TV, M. A.-I. (2017, March 9). Abdullah bin 'Abbas sang Pemuncak ilmu - Ust. Budi Ashari, Lc. Dipetik November 19, 2017, dari Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpQay8I13E8&t

Trivia cited from:
[1] Ibnu Hisyam, op.cit, I/1,2; Tarikh ath-Thabari, II/239-271.
[2] Ibnu Sa’d, op.cit, I/56,57; Tarikh ath-Thabariop.cit, II/272. Also look Tarikh ath-Thabari, II/271-276 dan Fathul Bari, VI/621-623.
[3] Ibnu Hisyam, ibid., hal. 2-4, Tarikh ath-Thabariibid., hal. 276. May differs.
Kitab Siyaar A’lam An Nubala’, Imam Syamsudin Adz Dzahabi, jilid 3, hlm: 309, Kitab Al Isobah, Ibnu Hajar Al Asqolani, jilid 2, hlm: 1074, Shuwar min Hayati Ash Shohabah, Abdurrohman Rafat Basya.
Tabari, vol. 39, pp. 54-55.