22 Nov 2017

Story of Ibn Abbas

The stage of glorious age of Islam always filled by young men and women. They came up with high level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the source can be trace back to the life guidance of our prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa salam. One of the young man, lived in our prophet’s era, have extremely vast knowledge and one of the man who understand the Qur’an the deepest, was Ibn Abbas or Abdullah Ibn Abbas radhiallahu ‘anhuma for completely.

19 Nov 2017


Source: Personal Picture

In the year of 1950s, the average human died below 50 years of life. Now the average age of global population reaches the number of 72 years. Later in 2100s, the average age will touch the number of 83 years (Quick, 2017). Until this very moment, from the dawn of civilization, mankind still sought the answer of the biggest quest yet to fulfill: to rejuvenate life and to conquer death. But still, how can we conquer the death itself? Should we really conquer death?